Monday 10 October 2011

Bound for South Africa!

In just under a weeks time I will be flying to Johannesburg to begin Part 2 of my fellowship. I will spend 3 weeks in the country and visit a number of organisations to learn more about community engagement and development, well-being and asset based approaches in a very different context

I will be visiting the following organisations during my 3 week trip:

1) The Soul City Institute for Health & Development Communication, Johannesburg
 “The Soul City Institute is about improving lives; about changing situations for the better. It is about health communication; about individuals and communities focusing on human development. Soul City South Africa is about you – about showing you what is possible, what you can do, what social change means and how to achieve great things for your own health, your own quality of life and for those around you.”

2) Centre for Health Policy, School of Public Health, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg
To learn about their work on 'Community Health Workers' as part of comprehensive primary health care in South African communities.

3) Ikhala Trust, Port Elizabeth
 Vision: Self reliant, secure and vibrant communities are built through a holistic, sustainable and positive intervention.

4) Angus Gilles Foundation, Grahamstown
Positive Health Champions and Positive Health Programme.
"This programme provides communities with as much information as possible, to enable them to achieve optimal physical, mental and spiritual well-being. The ‘Positive Health’ programme focus is more about presenting methods of preventing illness and staying healthy."

5) Community Development Resource Association, Cape Town
"Our purpose lies in contributing to the effectiveness and long term efficiency of organisations that do not marginalise but include, that maximise the value of diversity and that counter the tendency to use power to undermine and exploit in ways that diminish creative potential organisations that are empowering in their impact on society and in themselves. Our ultimate purpose is to contribute to building a society that is sustainable and civil. We promote organising principles, processes and practices that promote inclusion, dignity and development."

6) Reciprocity, Cape Town
Enterprise development work , inclusive business models and economic activity which increase social capital.
Reciprocity “the practice of exchanging  ideas, goods or services between two entities for their mutual benefit”

An urban agriculture and environmental action association operating in the socio-economically neglected townships. Abalimi means: "the Planters" in Xhosa, the predominant language among our target community. We assist individuals, groups and community based organisations to initiate and maintain permanent organic food growing and nature conservation projects as the basis for sustainable lifestyles, self-help job creation, poverty alleviation.

8) GOLD Peer Education Development Agency
"A non-profit organisation playing a key role in the transformation of under-served communities through the roll out of a long term youth peer education model in collaboration with community based organisations." "It's about young people realising their value and being empowered to make informed decisions about the challenges they face. It's about equipping influential young people to impact their peers through positive peer pressure."

9) Dockda Rural Development Agency

Makes grants available to community projects and initiatives and strengthens community organisations and civil society through a dedicated Wellness Programme. We seek to promote links so that we can share mutual concerns and experience to enhance community's solution-finding capacity.

10) University of Cambridge Programme for Sustainability Leadership  (South African Office)

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