Altogether Better is a five year regional programme in Yorkshire and Humber (UK) which seeks to enable individuals and communities to improve their health and well-being.
Funded by the Big Lottery, Altogether Better aims to:
- Deliver in all our local areas with a focus on Community Health Champions and mental health and employment, targeting over 15,000 beneficiaries and 70,000 indirect beneficiaries
- Facilitate a Learning Network aimed at sharing intelligence, experience and learning across our projects
- Build partnerships consisting of local communities, third sector, local government, PCTs, universities and regional agencies and networks
- Make a contribution to key regional and national policy developments including 'empowerment', reducing health inequalities, mental health and employment and social enterprise
The 16 Altogether Better Projects in Yorkshire & Humber |
One Barnsley Builds capacity within target communities in Barnsley to support local people to improve their health and to become community health educators. |
Bradford Seniors Show the Way The project works with older people across the Bradford District in order to improve their and to encourage them to ‘pass on’ these health messages to their friends and family. |
Calderdale Community Health Educators The project recruits, trains and supports individuals within targeted communities to become Community Health Champions and to influencing the lifestyle and health of others. |
East Riding of Yorkshire Coastal Health Improvement Programme The project provides advice, activity and support for isolated communities living on the East Riding coast in order that they improve their health. |
Healthwise Hull Builds capacity within the city’s priority communities to support people to improve their health and encourage them to influence others. |
Kirklees Building Neighbourhood Capacity for Health The project aims to build capacity within the voluntary and community sector to deliver healthy living activities and improve the health of vulnerable adults across Kirklees. |
Leeds Fresh and Fruity The project provides access to affordable fruit and vegetables through stalls and van delivery to deprived communities in order that they can make healthier choices. Also, trains and supports Community Health Educators. |
Leeds Older and Active A city wide project aimed at improving the health of the older generation through the recruitment, training and support of Community Health Champions. |
North East and North Lincolnshire Leading the Way to Active Lives The project provides training and support for key people from targeted groups within the population to enable them to become Community Health Educators and improve the health of people in their community. |
North Yorkshire Healthy Coastal Communities The project works with deprived communities in 8 target wards in Scarborough, in order to improve their health and to help individuals become more active in their local community. |
Sheffield Community Health Champions Network The project aims to build capacity within the city’s priority communities to support people to improve their health and the health of their friends, family and community. |
Altogether Better York The projects work with deprived communities within 4 target wards in York in order to improve their and to help individuals become more active in their local community. |
Project Delivery Models Projects deliver different models in terms of the amount and extent of training and support provided. The spectrum below attempts to show the variety of models delivered from the less intensive to the more intensive (a larger version of this image can be found here).
Read more about Altogether Better on our website. |